更新:2025-01-23 07:01 编号:18603950 发布IP: 浏览:35次- 发布企业
- 义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司组织机构代码:91330782MA28D1PB0Y
- 报价
- 人民币¥150.00元每件
- 关键词
- 义乌义乌煤气灶维修检测漏气
- 所在地
- 漓江街50号3楼
- 联系电话
- 13216247233
- 手机
- 13185164750
- 经理
- 刘永祥 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The igniter does not produce sparks: when using, it isfound that the gas stove is turned on, but the flamethrower doesnot emit fire, which is a fault condition. This is because thepiezoelectric ceramic positive mechanism of the natural igniterdoes not produce sparks, so that the cooker cannot ignite. The mainfault is that the wire connected to the positive pole ofpiezoelectric ceramic by the automatic switch is broken due tobreakage, which can be reliably connected with the wire again. Inaddition, if the positive electrode of piezoelectric ceramic iscontaminated or rusted, resulting in poor contact, it will alsocause difficulty in ignition. At this time, pull out the metalround rod, wipe the dirt with fine abrasive paper, and then insertit Spark but can't ignite: open the gas stove and find that thespark is ejected, but can't ignite the gas, which is also a fault.The reason is that the distance between the positive electrode ofthe piezoelectric ceramic and the negative electrode of the cookerplate is too far or too close, which will make the spark unable toignite the gas. The distance should be adjusted to about 4mm. Inaddition, the gas nozzle on the side near the igniter is blocked byoutflow or other foreign matters, which will also cause ignitionfailure or ignition difficulty. At this time, it is only necessaryto remove the blockage in the nozzle.
成立日期 | 2015年10月22日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘永祥 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
经营范围 | 家政服务、家电维修及安装、室内外保洁服务(不含道路清扫保洁、不含高空作业)、管道清洗疏通、搬家服务(以上经营范围不含高空作业)、建筑物防水补漏、环保工程施工,开锁服务,水电安装服务,外墙清洗服务,化粪池清理服务,污物清掏服务,物业服务,建筑垃圾清运,室内外装饰工程设计与施工 | ||
公司简介 | 义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司13185164750微信号13216247233义乌市工商局批准的大型股份公司服务机构,下设各类业务的技术性安装维修,及相关各类专业服务,等几大业务部。可与各单位,公司,物业,社区,工厂,酒店,等各建设单位公对公合作,公对私合作。【可开-普票=专票】。项目如下:1.空调拆:装:维修:加氟利昂:清洗保养.各种=家电维修=水电安装维修-;【家政清洗保洁】;燃气灶改造天然灶热 ... |
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